Monday, September 17, 2012

Duma Trip!

We went to Dumaguete last August with friends to celebrate Silliman University's Founders Day. It was an unplanned trip. We got there by taking a bus from the Cebu City South Bus Terminal to Liloan Port which took almost 4 hours and another 25 minute boat trip from the port to Dumaguete.
The Port
 Day 1. We arrived roughly around 10 in the morning and was clueless where to head first since the said event will still start in the evening. So, we flagged down a tricycle and asked the driver to bring us to the nearest and cheapest hotel from the university. Unfortunately, most of the hotels were fully booked. We finally let go of the triycle driver and  decided to walk down the streets but had no luck finding one. Had breakfast somewhere, chilled at a nearby coffee shop and ordered super cheap cupcakes. Past lunchtime, luckily found a vacant family room in a decent and affordable hotel. We were all dying to take a shower and get some rest!
SU red velvet and chocolate cupcakes
Cupcakes for only php 35 each! :)
In the afternoon, we dropped by Robinson's Place to visit a friend's friend who works in a Batchoy shop. Since we were there, had a taste of their beef batchoy paired with puto. It was superb. Then after, we strolled by the boulevard. It is marked as one of the historical sites found in the city. The boulevard stretch was immediately visible from afar. Tables and chairs were lining up the stretch and vendors selling balot and tempura. We ate some, the vinegar was extraordinary! haha! Also, it could've been perfect if we experienced the sunset but got there almost dark already. Nevertheless, we enjoyed our quick stroll by the place and the ocean breeze. Next, we dropped by a bar and chitchat over a few bottles of beer. It was a pretty quick drink too.
At night,  which was the highlight of the trip, we witnessed the celebration of the Founders Day. It is part of a week long event, sometimes referred to as the Founders Week. It was a fun and loud celebration filled with fraternity and organizational gatherings, exhibits, booth-building, concerts, and pigging out! We gatecrashed one of the fraternity booths and had a great dinner with people I barely knew! It was indeed a night to remember. Went back to our hotel almost midnight and watched cartoons until we fell asleep.
Outside the university

APO Booth
Silliam University T-shirts for sale

Christian concert

Day 2. We hit the famous Sans Rival Cakes and Pastries shop in the morning. Their flagship store is located just a few steps from the boulevard and recently opened a branch in Robinson's Place. Living up to its name, their goodies have really no rival. Who would dare resist their trademark and best seller Silvanas and also a perfect pasalubong. I have tried Silvanas from other shops in Cebu, but theirs is incomparable. It's way creamier and tastier, one of the reasons to come back in Dumaguete. So I bought a few boxes to take home. Speaking of home, it was time to bid Dumaguete goodbye and headed to the port for our trip back to Cebu.

Butter Silvanas
The flagship store
An unplanned escapade which surprisingly turned out to be an unforgettable adventure. Thanks to my travel buddies! <3